
良いまちとは何か。私と家内が結婚する際に引っ越し先として 選んだのは、いきいきとした「商店街」があるまち。日本には、こんなに素晴らしい、笑顔で集まれる゙場゙があることを、皆さん忘れていませんか。

「良いまち」はと聞かれ、どんな街を思い浮かべるか。私と家内が結婚する際に選んだ、「商店街」があるまちには、ここで暮らすさまざまな知恵がつまっていた。こだわりの魚屋さん、豆腐屋さんの味は絶品。二人の子供の出産も、地元の産婦人科。近くに祖父母はいなかったが、子供達は、商店街のおじさん・おばさん達に可愛がられた。子供に買い物を頼んで、お金が足りなかった際、「○○円足りなかったから次回持ってきてね」のメモ。スーパーやコンビニではこうはいかない。これまでの「商店街」はどちらかといえば、主婦層の井戸端会議の場所という性格が強かった。高齢社会、お一人様社会など、これからの社会潮流を読み解きながら、老若男女が集う´場´としての新たな役割を付加し、再生することが、日本の良いまちを増やしていく手立てではないか。インターネットで何でも買える時代ではあるが、あえて、「ハレ」と「ケ」を大切に、face to face、車社会ではない、人が主役な商店街の役割を考えたい。
~ 色川善一 / 都市計画者
Photos by the author
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What makes your own neighborhood a good community? How have you experienced this kind of “face to face” encounter? Submit your experiences through the contact page, Facebook, or on your favorite social media platform with the hashtags #goodcommunity #skymemo #etopos. We will continue adding ideas as they come in.
Good Community

How do we define a good community? When my wife and I got married, the town where we chose to live was one with a lively “shopping street,” 「商店街」. Let’s not forget that even today in Japan, we can still find such places where people gather with a smile on their faces.

When asked about what a good community is, what sort of towns do we imagine? The town we selected, with its main street full of shoppers, provides diverse daily benefits for us. The mindful merchants at the fish store, at the tofu maker. Both our kids were born at the local health clinic. The street’s many “uncles and aunts” befriended them, since their grandparents lived elsewhere. When our kids went on shopping errands and found themselves short of cash, these local relatives would pass on a note saying, “Come with XX yen next time.” Until recently, these shopping streets indeed served as the town’s community center. With the imminent aging of society, the prevalence of the single-person society, we can only hope that this form of lively gathering place will endure, bringing together the new and young alike with the long-time residents who have frequented their favorite 「商店街」. While shopping online is now part of our everyday habits, “going out on the town” and “staying home” mutually remain as vital societal values. Face-to-face encounters, car-free zones where people young and old are its main characters – let’s continue to sustain the role that local shopping streets have served, to nurture a good community.
By Zenichi Irokawa / Urban Planner
Photos by the author
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What makes your own neighborhood a good community? How have you experienced this kind of “face to face” encounter? Submit your experiences through the contact page, Facebook, or on your favorite social media platform with the hashtags #goodcommunity #skymemo #etopos. We will continue adding ideas as they come in.
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