eTOPOS2016の記念カレンダーを作りました。5年目を迎える東日本大震災3.11に捧げる、未来に向けた「みんなの舞台」Beyond 2020_nx をテーマとして企画しました。今後のまちづくり、地域再生に役立つよう期待しております。
本カレンダーに付き、また eTOPOS.org のウェブログに関してのご感想を是非、私達に聞かせてください。
In memory of the 5th anniversary of the Tohoku 3.11 Disaster, we produced the eTOPOS CALENDAR. The adopted theme, Beyond 2020_nx, illustrates aspirations toward “A Stage for All”, Minna no Butai, constructive vignettes in the making of new communities for the next generation.
The calendar is interactive, with 12 unique QR codes that can be scanned on the first of each month, giving direct access to that month’s skyMEMO and a place for further conversation. (Here is a helpful article with instructions for finding and downloading a QR code reader to your mobile device.)
We welcome your feedback, suggestions & comments on the idea of the calendar. If you would like to request a calendar, contact us.
See the skyMEMOs from 2016 for more information.