国際アドバンスデザインワークショプ (i_ADW) は多国、多様専門分野の少数プロメンバーが短期間集合し建築+都市設計、地域計画、建設関係等の実施作業を行う特殊ワークショプ機動隊的な仕組みで行動を取る仕組みである。主題はJDWと同趣旨の建築とコミュ ニティにおける継続性或いは変革(Continuity/Transformation)。特に i_ADWの場合は調査課題を環境、社会、経済、文化的状況などに広げ地元人材、専門家、スポンサー組織と協議、作業を進め成果物として納める。
i_ADWの指導はマサチューセッツ工科大学 建築学科のシーニヤフェロー神田駿。
- 未来ビジョン、茨城県古賀市:4日間
- サステイナブル住居研究、ヨーロッパ視察及び三つの現状に当てた提案:3ヶ月間
- 日本橋再生キャナルリバイバル:1ヶ月間
- 金沢夜間景観計画案:9日間
- キャネリ市都市開発案、イタリア、ピエモンテ地区:7日間
- 「みんなの舞台」づくり、 仮設住宅地:7日間
- 「ルートリアス案」、宮城県南三陸町災害復興に当てた交通案:5日間
- 次の世代への地域計画案、ブータン王国:18日間
The International Advanced Design Workshop (i_ADW) conducts focused workshops in design, planning and construction projects with professionals from various inter-disciplinary and multi-cultural backgrounds. Projects are context and client specific and in real-time, based on the issues of Continuity & Transformation in Architecture & Community Form. Participants engage in rapid site, social, economic, physical and cultural analysis, as well as in information exchange with local communities, relevant private organizations, citizen and sponsor groups. Workshops culminate with the presentation, exhibit, and publication of the results to sponsoring institutions and the general public. i_ADW is directed by Shun Kanda, Senior Fellow at the MIT Department of Architecture.
Since 2007, i_ADW projects include the following:
- Future Visions for Koga City, Ibaraki-ken/Japan: 4-days.
- Sustainable Housing Research, European Case-Study Tour, and Proposal for 3 Sites in Kansai: 3-months.
- Nihonbashi Canal Revival, Tokyo: 1-month
- After Dark, Nightscape Kanazawa Proposal: 9-days.
- City Development for Canelli, Piemonte/Italy: 7-days
- [A Stage for All] construction at Minamisanriku, Miyagi-ken/Japan: 7-days.
- Route Rias for Post-Disaster Minamisanriku, Miyagi-ken/Japan: 5-days.
- Taking Bhutan’s Cultural Landscape to the Next Generation: 18-days.
To learn more about i_ADW and how you can participate, contact us.