Aerial Stage
続ける/Read More Bridges, boardwalks, perches, promontories: Aerial stages come in many forms. What variations have you come across? What was your experience, looking from the ground up or from above? Submit your experiences through the contact page, Facebook, or with the hashtag #aerialstage. We will continue adding ideas as they come in. All photos by Shun Kanda.Bridge Stage, Utrecht
Hallein, Austria
Skywalk_Hallstatt, Austria
Orange Line Boston
subway is now undergroundAerial Nest, Venice
and high above the Grand CanalPonte di Rialto, Venice
Trabucco, Gargano, Sicily
Detail of “The Miracle of the Relic of the Cross at the Ponte di Rialto” by Vittorio Carpaccio, Public Domain
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