What might the future Town Room look like? Nikken Sekkei (English / Japanese) recently published a booklet on public space in light of the upcoming 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. They have graciously allowed us to reprint a description of their piece, in both Japanese and English.
View an excerpt of their publication with illustrations, such as the one above, envisioning new user activities and experiences for the future of public space.
大松 敦|日建設計 プロジェクト開発部門 統括 PPO推進担当役員
坂本隆之・安田啓紀|日建設計 NAD室
辻本 顕|日建設計 プロジェクト開発部門
日建設計PPO(Pre -post Olympic)推進チームとNAD室(Nikken Activity Design lab)では、2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピック以降の都市や社会をユーザー思考で検討し、情報発信する活動を行っています。2020年以降の社会を考えるにあたり、私たちはパブリックスペースに焦点を当てました。なぜいまパブリックスペースなのか? それは、パブリックスペースの認識を刷新するには2020年がまたとない機会であること、また、パブリックスペースは暮らしや人と社会との関わり方と深く結びついており、社会にイノベーションをもたらすカギになるのではないかと考えたからです。
Considering Public Space with 2020 as a Turning Point
Atsushi Omatsu | Head of Project Development Department, Principal in Charge of Pre-post Olympic Strategic Planning, Nikken Sekkei
Takayuki Sakamoto / Hiraki Yasuda | Nikken Activity Design lab, Nikken Sekkei
Akira Tsujimoto | Project Development Department, Nikken Sekkei
The Nikken PPO (Pre-post Olympics) Strategic Planning Team and NAD (Nikken Activity Design lab) have been studying what might happen to our city and society after the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics from the users’ perspective.
In considering our city and society after 2020, we focused on public space. Why public space now? We believe that 2020 presents us with a great opportunity to reconsider our perceptions of public space. We also believe that this exercise would lead us to ideas for innovation that could change and improve the quality of life in the urban environment.
With the collaboration of experts in various fields inside and outside our firm, we have reconsidered the definition of public space in the Japanese urban environment, who it is for and what it should be like in the future.
What Is Public Space?
We first thought about where we can find public space. Parks, roads, and public facilities are obvious answers, but other spaces where people are free to come and go, such as building entrances, train stations, and the inside of public transportation vehicles are all public spaces. It is important to reinterpret various spaces around us from the perspective of public space to find ideas for innovation.
Public Space Is for Whom?
Public spaces are for users, society, and the collaborative economy. We believe that public spaces are places that enable these three elements to transcend their constraints and collaborate together in order to create the seeds for innovation.
What Is the Significance of Public Space?
We interviewed Hiromasa Shirai, who participated in the design of London’s Olympic Park, about the significance of considering public spaces with the Olympics in mind. We also spoke with Noboru Konno, leading expert in the field of innovation research, about how public space could provide the keys to innovation.
From these interviews, we were able to gain insightful accounts focusing on the impact and significance of the Olympic games and their legacy for the rejuvenation of public space, and the new value created by sharing private spaces for public use in the sharing/collaborative economy.
Establishing Perspectives for Thinking about Public Space
We then proposed the following four perspectives for improving public space. Public spaces should be spaces that various users are able to: 1.gather and spend time; 2.experiment with new ideas; 3.find tolerance for involvement; 4.share lifestyle as a social media for the city. Based on these perspectives we designed exemplary user activities and experiences for better public spaces.
We compiled our conclusions into a booklet in the hope that it might trigger new ideas and approaches. In the future, we look forward to putting these ideas into practice in some public spaces while we continue to look for innovative ideas.
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Excerpted text and image copyright 2016 Nikken Sekkei
Reprinted with permission
Originally published in the firm’s Nikken Journal 26, the 2016 Spring edition
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